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Barack Obama’s Inauguration Live

Courtesy of!

Posted in Celebrities.

2009 Sacramento International Auto Show

I went to the Sacramento International Auto Show today. There were tons of neat concept cars and many more to test drive for free!

I test drove the Hyundai Santa Fe, Hyundai Genesis, Toyota Tacoma 4×4, Toyota FJ Cruiser 4×4, Chevrolet Traverse, Chevrolet Equinox, Chevrolet Equinox Fuel Cell, Ford Focus Fuel Cell, Toyota Highlander Fuel Cell. It was totally fun to thrash these brand new cars and get sideways on the track. ABS, Vehicle Stability, and Traction Control were on all these vehicles and I totally used these technologies on some cars.

Chevrolet had a Corvette available for people to test drive but the line was too long. People were racing around the track in that. According to a driver, somebody made the Corvette smoke with power burn outs this morning, but they were ejected from the test drive.

You can view some images here.

Posted in Photography.

60 Minutes and Google

In this 60 Minutes episode recorded in January 2005, Google hints at their Google Phone already!

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Posted in Google, Television.

Google’s Android Device

Rumors have been abound lately about Google’s new software platform and the hardware that goes along with it.

BusinessWeek has an interesting take that says it won’t be available until November, well after October 1st, the nationwide roll-out of T-Mobile’s 3G network. The New York Times states that the phone could be out as early as October, while TmoNews says that they phone will be able for pre-order for $149.99 (2-year service agreement required) on September 17th, an exact date, with the phone arriving to stores and houses on October 13th.

Hopefully T-Mobile will have competitive data rate plans to blow the iPhone plans out of the water. Along with previous promotions (unlimited texting), T-mobile should have promotional pricing in affect during a short period which would include discounts that can be grandfathered!

Only time will tell, but I’m totally getting one.

Posted in Google.

Aveeno, Shame On You

This is such a terrible commercial from Aveeno.

If anybody knows the Periodic Table of Elements, Aveeno puts it to shame.

Posted in Television.

Internet Memes

Now we really know how old something is when it’s “reposted”.

This is an interactive chart created by CNET of all the popular Internet fads and memes: everything from All Your Base Are Belong To Us to the O’RLY owl, to the Hampster Dance, to ICanHasCheezburger, and just about every other fad to hit the ‘net.

Take a look at it here.

Posted in Awesome Stuff.


What is a monoument?
From the Ontario, CA airport.

Posted in Photography.

Sacramento Time Lapse

Just made this new time lapse out of my window in Sacramento.

From exactly 1:25am on July 12 to 1:25 on July 13th.

Posted in Photography.

A Sheep

Posted in Photography.

A big truck

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Posted in Photography.