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Pumice Action

I have just finished spray painting, or as Emily likes to call it, “destroying the ozone layer”.  During that process, I had painted my skin extensively.  I was looking for some paint thinner or mineral spirits to eat the paint but I couldn’t find the gallon container.

However, on the floor, I found a bottle of Orange GoJo with “Pumice Action”.  Attached to the side of the bottle was a pumice agitator for my hand.  I decided that the GoJo will have to do and I started using it.  To my surprise, it took 99.9% of the paint off of my hand!  GoJo with “Pumice Action”, like no other.

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Posted in Life.

2 Responses

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  1. Gbcue says

    10 million years.

  2. Andorra/Kendra says

    Well it is true Gb. When you use spray paint, you help destroy a part of the ozone. It's bad enough there are a ton of people out there doing the same thing! Sure, the ozone might still be there while we are still living…but for how much longer?

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