I just voted! Yay! Today was my second time voting.
I voted early because on Tuesday, it’ll be a mad-house at the precinct. Inside the Registrar of Voters building, everything was very smooth. There were many attendants taking care of various tasks. After I got my ballot, there were for spaces to vote inside the building. One of spaces were taken up by a display of “Register to Vote” stuff, even though that date had long since passed. I had gone with my dad, and he got his ballot materials first, and sat down on the other end of the display. Next to the display, though, was an idiot who got his ballot, and was sitting there READING the voter phamplet, like it was his first time! What an idiot! That’s an activity reserved for your house, not taking up valuable seats to vote, when I had already read everything, and just needed to mark the appropriate spots on the ballot. My dad and I both voted in less than 15 minutes, and that loser guy was still there! I can’t believe how long he took. I didn’t stick around to see when he finished, but I don’t doubt the fact that he’s still there right now, a good 15 minutes after we had left. After I had finished voting, though, there were a bunch of slots to vote outside the door. I got a few of those cool “I Voted” stickers, and left. While walking out to the car, I saw a few cars lined up for the drive-thru voting thing, which is just for people to drop off their absentee ballots.

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