I brought my hole punch to school today, in a Office Depot bag. I had only one class, and there was another project due, so I brang it so I could put any last minute stuff into the binder. The class started and we turned in all our project binders. We went through class all boring, as usual. People were falling asleep left and right. When class ended, I left, but I forgot to bring my hole punch in a bag! I went to the engineering library to work on this leftover homework that’s due tomorrow. An hour or so goes by until I remember that I had left it. I go back to the classroom, and it’s gone. I went to the Math Lab, the Math Department Office, and then the classroom again to see if anybody had picked it up or something. I was so mad at that time because that hole punch is an antique, and can’t be bought anywhere. I went to the instructor’s office, to see if he picked it up or something, but he wasn’t there. Many minutes went by until Younes came by and unlocked Vince’s office. He had picked up my hole punch, so I left him a note saying that I picked it up and I left.

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