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Yosemite – Day 1

We started out today at 8AM. The drive went off without a hitch up until Merced. We stopped at Sonic to get some lunch. I had never been to a Sonic “America’s Drive Thru” and ordered a burger, some fries, and an Famous orange slush. Miles outside of Merced, we were on Highway 140, the most straight part and a squirrel darted out in front of the car. We *almost* destroyed it!

We arrived at the motel at about 1PM. The front desk lady let us check in early, which was good, because we had to drop off all of our food so that the bears wouldn’t get to it.

After getting into Yosemite, we parked and took a few of the free shuttles to get around to the different locales. Booked two open-air tram tours, the Valley Floor, and Glacier Point tour. After booking the tours, we went to the gift shops, picked up some stuff, and rode the shuttle in a big circle, checking out the camping areas near Mirror Lake.

On the way out, 2.5 miles away from the entrance, there was a blue Ford truck going in the opposite direction (into the park). We were happily going along around 40 miles per hour and there was this black bear that suddenly darted out in the middle or the road. The truck clipped the back half of the bear while it was running in front of my from my left to right. This clipping of the bear took out its hind legs sending it sliding across my lane. I braked hard, and didn’t hit it. If I didn’t slow, I would have probably run over it. I slowed to a stop and looked back. The bear was on the side of the road just sitting there for a few seconds. Then it started moving so we left because it was a bear, and it was just hit by a car. At the entrance to Yosemite, I told the ranger on duty, and they said they would send somebody to check it out. (You’re supposed to report every bear you see).

So, that was about it for day one.

You can view pictures of the day here.

Sneak preview for day 2: Valley Floor Tour, lunch, Glacier Point Tour. That should last about the whole day.

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Posted in Photography, Travel.

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