As always, the pictures can be viewed here.
Today was uneventful as this was the last day. The drive in was as usual, passing people who didn’t know how to drive in their rental cars. Today, there was an unusual number of people urinating on the side of the road and even in the park boundaries! On the way in, we stopped at many places to look at the Merced River. I took some great shots of the smallest waterfall in the park, which you can see at the album.
On the shuttle to the visitor’s center, I found a cell phone in the bus. It was Cingular, and for some reason, had full signal. The only people I saw on cell phones had Verizon. I returned it at the visitor’s center. There was a short video showing titled the “Spirit of Yosemite”. It was about 20 minutes long, and explained how the park became and some history of the natives. I recommend anybody that goes to Yosemite to watch it.
The way out was just like the way in, passing people who didn’t know how to go the speed limit and use the turnouts. The way in and out on Highway 140 is a narrow and windy two lane road with passing zones and turnouts in some places. Apparently flashing your headlights doesn’t mean a thing to the one car that is slowing down a dozen others.
I hope to go back to Yosemite and do some camping that couldn’t be done because all the campgrounds in the valley were booked since a few months ago. Overall, it was a great trip!

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