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Dream Phone

Now that Google’s Open Handset Alliance has been announced, here is a wishlist of the things I want on my next phone. Of course, this isn’t all software. A majority of it is hardware options, which I hope HTC will implement because that’s the manufacturer I want for my next phone. I don’t want a BlackBerry because I don’t think I’ll be able to use all of these features without a BlackBerry data plan.

* Bands: 700MHz, 850MHz, 900MHz, 1700MHz, 1800MHz, 1900MHz, 2100MHz (Quad-Band World 3G Capable)
* Wi-Fi (2400MHz) with UMA (T-Mobile)
* Touchscreen (Multi-Touch)
* Camera
* MP3 Player
* A good web browser
* Google Apps (Maps with GPS integration, GMAIL, search, YouTube videos)
* Ability to open Word, Excel, etc. documents
* Long battery life
* QWERTY keypad
* Threaded messages

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Posted in Google, Wireless.

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